Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sensex to fluctuate between 18 K and 20 K !

The MPEDA proclaims record stats. Marine exports income a record, 18800 crores in 12-13. MPEDA projects 14 earnings at 4.5 billion dollars. 

Kerala Tourism achieved a record 21125 crores and Indian Tourism 17 billion dollars. 

But these are some of the sectors in which India is doing well. The May stats induce one to a state of alarm and despondency. 

24 billion - 44 billion = -20 billion

and this year the Deficit will be > 200 billion. Given the 319 b federal debt, where is India headed ?

The stock markets will fluctuate, and it can fluctuate between 18 and 20 K.

From the Moon, both Jupiter and Saturn are adverse. The only positive factor is Jove in the Second from the Ascendant. 

The Rupee is becoming Senior and Gold is down. Inflation will rise to erode savings. Indian economy is likely to be ravaged by Jove in the 12th from the Lunar Ascendant.  Agri sector contributes only 17% to the GDP and it lacks innovation and investment. Industry contributes 20% and it is time the Hardware sector is improved. Infrastructure should be improved, even though it needs an investment of one trillion dollars !

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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Jove and Saturn prove adverse for Stock Market !

Now both Saturn and Jove are adverse, but Jove in the Second from Ascendant balances !

Jupiter has left Taurus . He had moved over to Gemini and we are hearing bearish news - like inflation, lack of infra, exports not upto mark, food inflation, IIP down etc.  Infrastructure is lacking. Power supply for industry is erratic.   

Negative Factors 

What are the negative factors, represented by  Saturn in the Fourth and Jove in Twelfth?.

Astrologically both Jupiter and Saturn are  pulling down and India is caught between the cyclical swings of boom and recession.

The 12th is the House of Loss and during that phase many economic problems will plague India. Despite the assurances of the Finance Minister, Indians will find the going tough. North Western India may get only 80% rainfall. In Kerala, also the SWM has only rained in certain parts. Anyway Kerala will get a normal monsoon !
In other words, the outook is not so rosy.  The 319 billion dollar debt and more than 100 b deficit make India a deficit country. Despite the developmental talk of the politicians, many parts of India do not have even potable water and infrastructure. Corruption is rampant and crimes are on the increase.

Sector wise, Industry contributes only 20% of GDP, Agri only 17% and the rest 63% is accounted by the service sector. It is time both industry and agri contribute more to the GDP and then only can India reach the level of China or US. The Agri sector lacks innovation and investment. India has to improve in the hardware sector in Industry. Only some sectors of industry - software, tourism etc - are doing well. The political stability in the wake of the 2014 General Elections can affect the market considerably.  

Positive Factors as represented by Transit Jupiter in the Second from Ascendant
On the positive side, harvest may be strong, beacuse of the normal monsoon forecast and the agri sector may post a 3% growth. Industry may post a 4% growth. Electricity generation may go up by 7% and manufacturing 4%. There are strong FII inflows and a modest economic recovery. India's potential is great and India has a burgeoning middle class. The falling rupee will fuel demand for IT stocks. And the Sensex is bound to oscillate between 18 K and 20 K !