Thursday, November 01, 2012

Mr Finance Minister, the Monsoon !

Despite criticism that Thula Varsha or the North East Monsoon is far away, she is dot on time. It rained heavily in Trichur yesterday. It rained heavily in Madras the day before.

Tamil Nadu receives more rains than Kerala in this North East Monsoon phase. In Kerala rains are less this year, with the result we have unwanted power cuts. 

We hope it pours heavily again. If not Kerala is in for more power cuts. 

The N E Monsoon has a direct bearing on the economy, as Mr Monsoon is the Finance Minister of India !

Thursday, October 18, 2012

India has to improve still !

China exports more than 2 trillion dollars worth goods. Her manufacturing is more than 30% of GDP. In contrast, India exports more than 350 billion and her share of manufacturing is only 16%. We will have to produce more, particularly in Hardware, work harder, to match China's exports !

See India's plus and minus points. Indians are good at programming, software, mathematical ability, Philosophy, sciences and the arts. The minus points of India are lack of infrastructure, lack of innovation etc India has have to import 70% oil and hardware production is very low when compared to China. China exports more than 140 b hardware, surpassing US last year !

India's best port Nhava Seva handled 4.53 million TEUs last year. Compare this with Shanghai, 31.7 m, Singapore 29.94, Hong Kong 24.38, Jabel Ali 13 m TEUS. And Vallarpadam, the new ICTT, is very far from these figures !

India is a nation of holidays. These 70 holidays should go. In Japan, it is 24/7/365 !

Eurasian Union Extended


Eurasian Union is India's best bet. As such she is not in APEC, the world's largest trading bloc, When India applied for APEC membership , she was not taken. APEC has US and China ! Other formidable blocs like NAFTA and the EU excludes India. India has only SAARC and it is not enough. EURASIAN UNION will come as the manna sent from heaven for India !

Eurasia is the greatest continent and 72% of the global population live here.We dont know why Eurasia was divided. May be on the basis of race, Caucasians and Mongloids !

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Mathematical Ability of the Indians

I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges, - astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis,.. It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganges to learn geometry...But he would certainly not have undertaken such a strange journey had the reputation of the Brahmins' science not been long established in Europe...

said Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (French writer and philosopher)

Indians are a formidable software super power due to mathematical ability. Indians are the persons who saw beyond the Pythagorus Theorem

Perpendicular = Purusha

Base = Prakriti

Hypotenuse = Divine Man, Divya Purusha.

In Egyptian Symbolism,

Perpendicular = Orisis

Base = Isis

Hypotenuse = The Divine Child, Masonic Christ.

H^2 = a^2 + b^2
where H is the hypotenuse.

If 3 dimensional
h^2 = a^2 + b^2 + c^2

So the mathematical and philosophic ability of the Indians cannot be doubted, as they invented Zero.
The future is India's !

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Financial Astrology II

Jupiter in Taurus is favourable for precious metals - gold, silver, palladium and platinum. We have been advocating buying gold, when it was at 700 USD per ounce. Now it is at 1625 USD. I have been buying gold when the price was 1200 per gm and now it is 2775 per gm.
There is a support level at 2500, but Gold is so bullish that it may not touch that support level. When it goes down, it is only a secondary reaction in a bull phase. Gold will continue to be bullish, as long as the dollar and the rupee remain bearish ! Silver, Palladium, platinum etc are also good investments.
Regarding the stock market, both bullish and bearish factors are powerful. 2012 and 13 are said to be years of Great Depression and this is a big bearish factor. But India and China are insulated economies and are the only economies which are growing. The Eurozone is gone. So is the US ! By 2020, Indian GDP will quadruple and Sensex will be 50 K. But the Global Recession  is affecting India and China and we should be geared for slower growth ! So the Sensex will fluctuate as usual and if you have a long term perspective, you can invest in blue chips and wait for the market to go up !
Saturn in the 3rd is OK but after six months, he will be in India's 4th. This is Angular Saturn and there will be political chaos. People are discontented by the rule of complacent and corrupt politicians. Even after India's downgrade, the politicians are saying that the downgrade is manipulated ! That Fitch's downgrading is all nonsense. It is not patriotism which is behind this. Just to show that their governance is OK !
Angular Saturn creates other problems as well. Increased consumption of oil and can mean only increase imports. India's import bill has gone up to 488 billion. We have 303 b exports and that leaves us with a deficit of 185 billion. We are already burdened by a 319 billion debt ! Where are we headed ? Quo Vadis, India ?  India, despite the talk of being the third largest economy of 4.45 tr USD GDP PPP, is a minus nation !

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

India downgraded to BBB !

Adverse Saturn strikes, as Jupiter tries to redeem India ! 

Fitch has downgraded India to BBB, the lowest investment grade. From Stable
to Negative.

The Rating Agency siad the outlook reflected heightened risks that the
growth potential of India will deteriorate if reforms were not accelerated. Governance should be
improved. A more postive investment atmosphere should be built.

"India faces an awkward combination of slowing growth and still-elevated
inflation. India also faces structural challenges surrounding its investment
climate in the form of corruption and inadequate economic reforms," Fitch
said in a statement.

The negative outlook reflected India's limited progress in fiscal
consolidation and in reducing the deficit ( which stood at 185 billion, the highest in
recent years ).

Some positive factors

      The market will fluctuate as usual and it is now steady at 16 K. But
Jove in the 11th favours the enterprising. India and China are the two
economies growing. India has already become the third largest economy by GDP
PPP, estimated at 4.45 trillion USD. In real GDP terms, however, she is
11th. Her tourist receipts are more than 200 billion and will reach 375
billion in a couple of years. Her IT exports were 79 billion last year. So
India has great potential, along with China, who is growing at a faster

      In this context, the Indian stock market offers great opportunities
for the investor and this is implied by Jovian 11th Transit. Adverse factors
are represented by Saturn and high inflation and value erosion of rupee. So
be wise while investing. In the long term you will succeed but you will have
to wait and wait, as Saturn is adverse.

    S & P had warned India that India will lose her investment grade, if she
does not put pedal on reforms. These are the adverse Saturnine factors and
industrial development is the bullish Jovian factor !

      So we advise investors to enter at lower levels. Watch the market and
buy at declines. Buy only blue chips !

Gold Astrology

On the other gold is up at $ 1628 per ounce and INR 91258 ! We have been
advocating buying gold and other precious metals - silver, palladium and platinum.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Adverse Saturn and favourable Jupiter generate a mixed market

The market will fluctuate as usual and it is now steady at 16 K. But Jove in the 11th favours the 
enterprising. India and China are the two economies growing. India has already become the third
 largest economy by GDP PPP, estimated at 4.45 trillion USD. In real GDP terms, however, she 
is 11th. Her tourist receipts are more than 200 billion and will reach 375 billion in a couple of 
years. Her IT exports were 79 billion last year. So India has great potential, along with China, 
who is growing at a faster rate. 

In this context, the Indian stock market offers great opportunities for the investor and this is

implied by Jovian 11th Transit. Adverse factors are represented by Saturn and high inflation and 
value erosion of rupee. So be wise while investing. In the long term you will succeed but you will
 have to wait and wait, as Saturn is adverse.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Improve Marketing !

Even though Goldman Sachs and Price Water Coopers say that India is the third largest in terms of GDP PPP, ( 4.32 tr dollars ) there are many problems that have to be solved.

Our productivity in industry is low.
Our yield in Agri is low.
Our Marketing should be improved
Our Infrastructure should be improved
Our Packing and Finishing should be improved
Our Quality Control should be improved

There should be more Indian websites and blogs to promote Indian products. We have parallel products to Pepsi, Coke, EFC, KFC etc and we should gear up for global competition.

We should work harder, abandoning the socalled holidays and improve productivity. We should improve yield in agri with Biotech. Then only will our potential be actualised !

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I just uploaded my video on Stock Market Astrology and here is the embed code and url

Url   for  Zodiac $tock Market Astrology